Consortium News

Consortium News (US)

Founded by Robert Parry in1995, wanted to create a home for well-reported stories and to challenge the many misguided conventional wisdoms.

In 1995 there was already a crisis building in the U.S. news media. The mainstream media was falling into a pattern of groupthink on issue after issue, often ignoring important factual information because it didn’t fit with what all the Important People knew to be true.

Political alignment

All media organizations are reporting from their own world view. Some call this political alignment, some editorial leaning and, and some media bias. We call them Narratives.


Sites are mainly from US or UK and are critical for the local Establishment (including Trump). On a geopolitical level they are opposing the Western Coalition.

Funding / Ownership

We’ve done research on who owns or funds the site so you can learn easier about possible funding bias or conflicts of interests.


a private foundation set up by an individual, family or an institute


The reason we show relations to CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Chatham House is because there was a study made by Swiss Propaganda Research. They found out that many western news media have relations to those organizations.

No known relations


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