
Since our launch, more than 200 OZY stories have been at least three to six months ahead of their coverage in other major media outlets. And our audience has grown to 40 million monthly site visitors, along with millions more who enjoy OZY through our partners — including NPR, CNN, USA TODAY, Huffington Post, PBS NewsHour, MSN and our friends at Axel Springer.

When we launched OZY, we had a big idea. Instead of bringing you yet another news site pulling together the latest stories from across the Web, we wanted to give you something better. We wanted to give you a news site you actually loved. From the start, we promised only original content, focused not simply on where the world is but, more importantly, where the world is going. And every morning, we set out to profile the people, places, trends and technology that are ahead of their time and worthy of yours.

Today, OZY is no longer just an idea. It’s proof that with the right team, the right design and the right mission, news can be edgy and educational, informative and inspiring — all at the same time. Want some references? Just ask our contributors, like Bill Gates, Condoleezza Rice and Bill Clinton, who see us as a signpost to the future.

Political alignment

All media organizations are reporting from their own world view. Some call this political alignment, some editorial leaning and, and some media bias. We call them Narratives.


Sites are mainly promoting views with Moderate or Liberal political alignment. They usually support the local Establishment with the exception of Trump. Yet, on a geopolitical level they are usually supporting the Western Coalition.

Funding / Ownership

We’ve done research on who owns or funds the site so you can learn easier about possible funding bias or conflicts of interests.


a private foundation set up by an individual, family or an institute


The reason we show relations to CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Chatham House is because there was a study made by Swiss Propaganda Research. They found out that many western news media have relations to those organizations.

  • CFR

    Laurene Powell Jobs (Board Director) is in the Board of Directors of CFR.


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