PR Watch

PR Watch (US)

The nonprofit Center for Media and Democracy strengthens participatory democracy by investigating and exposing public relations spin and propaganda, and by promoting media literacy and citizen journalism, media "of, by and for the people."

Our programs include PR Watch, a quarterly investigative journal; six books by CMD staff; Spin of the Day; the Weekly Spin; and, Congresspedia and SourceWatch, part of our wiki-based investigative journalism collaborative to which anyone, including you, can contribute.

Political alignment

All media organizations are reporting from their own world view. Some call this political alignment, some editorial leaning and, and some media bias. We call them Narratives.


Sites are mainly Non-partisan or Impartial on their political alignment. They are mixed on whether they support the local Establishment but are usually critical on Trump. Also on a geopolitical level they are mixed whether supporting the Western Coalition.

Funding / Ownership

We’ve done research on who owns or funds the site so you can learn easier about possible funding bias or conflicts of interests.


a person who is either a public figure or who has otherwise influence in society


The reason we show relations to CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Chatham House is because there was a study made by Swiss Propaganda Research. They found out that many western news media have relations to those organizations.

No known relations


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